Tuesday, September 11, 2007

i miss you

while you are away
my heart comes undone
slowly unravels
in a ball of yarn
the devil collects it
with a grin
our love
in a ball of yarn

jennifer sullivan's "bedroom"

-n. A room in which to sleep: As in, I hung the painting you made of your bedroom in my bedroom. I imagine you walking into your bedroom, taking off your straw hat, face lined by sun. You put your pipe down next to the porcelain basin, unbutton that blue smock, remove your underclothes of unbleached linen. There are specks of lemon yellow paint all over your arms. I could scratch them off with my fingernails. -adj. 1. Sexually suggestive: Did you ever have a lover in that wooden bed? I mean bedroom eyes, flesh upon freckled flesh- folded, trembling, full. The swell. The space between morning and midday. The separation. 2. Related to or inhabited by commuters: Our two worlds meet only in these bedroom poems, through your bedroom being in my bedroom. It is the last thing I see before I close my eyes.