Wednesday, October 17, 2007

excerpt from shane koyczan's "if"

Because if if had anything at all then I was not pushed and I did not fall, I jumped out of grace and I landed on my face because there was no safety net...

But don't draw a chalk outline around my body yet because if if had anything at all, if I was in hell I'd still give you a call because even if this is the greatest poem that I ever wrote I'd still have to write a little sidenote saying, 'It is not enough simply to say I love you.' That kind of shit just ain't gonna do, because if the universe has no beginning, has no end, has no bottom, has no top, I would jump from somewhere, I would drop through infinity, because I'm not just saying I love you.

I'm saying I'll never stop.

1 comment:

calf said...

shit man.. thats fucking beautiful :(
aah reminds me of our sadhappy moments. all the poems. i miss u so much :(
fuckkkkkkkk. come home faster.
1.5 months!!!! i cant wait.