Thursday, August 30, 2007

floating up to the top of the sea, sunlight and I'm sorry

Today after spending ages on webcam with Sabine I realised that I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT HER!!!

Countdown to October 16th!

Last night I had a horrible dream about a murderer in the hotel room I was sleeping in with about 20 other people, and I went out on the balcony for a smoke (why? I do not smoke) and I walked back in and the murderer had cut open the chest of this sleeping guy and put his face into his lungs and blew into them so the dying guy could shout in pain. I ran through all these doors that I remember locking carefully at the beginning of the dream but I could pass through them and I ended up in the middle of this huge banquet in a marketplace where I tried to find my parents, who, when I found them were not mine at all.

I am not watching bad horror movies before I sleep anymore.

1 comment:

calf said...

eeeeeee jen the 16th is sooner than u think! its already SEPTEMBER! aaah finally. and soon u will be here. ALSO i got accepted into COFA.. hahahah its good news but fuck its sydney and i don wanna go there. they must be desperate cos they replied within a week.
i miss you to death. i think im depressed, is that bad....
i dunno whats happening to me lately.
i dont't really know what im doing anymore. i feel rather lost without u. and everyone. i think i have a problem with making new friends. its like none of them are real friends..
love u