Thursday, August 16, 2007

if you're looking for something life-like

CREZ, I am finally updating this thing!

Well, I do not have much to report except I am pretty tired and today I actually started drawing again for the first time in months, I am glad. The progress will be displayed with time, I guess.

Hmmmm what can I write that is not small talk, of course a to-do list:

* buy blank notebook and black fineliners
* clean bathroom
* clean foodstuffs off desk
* fix laptop
* call home
* post two packages, one to the Netherlands (I always feel like I am talking about butts when I say that instead of Holland) and one to Singapore
* stop sleeping so late so these things can actually be accomplished

oh and

* get a job.



calf said...

JEN!! finally haha.
ah. your to do list sounds exciting.. want to hear mine?

apply for uni
send portfolio
email gladys
see everyone before they leave
meeting at haji lane tomorrow for mural
coffee with zul and dan (how grown up..) which involves me not forgetting to remember them
home club tonight, which u have to see when u get back
finish painting
start drawing again
clean up computer
clean room
clean bathroom

WHAT THE HELL! i know man its nuts.
i love u and miss u :)

calf said...

and give the movie 300 back to elfie
and get the movie death on the nile back from endra.

dude i have so much to tell u but i cant tell u here haha.
oh god.

jen said...

Hahah email it to me!

calf said...

OKAY! when i get some time on my hands. dude i am seriously dying.
hey i got a kind of job painting murals in pitch black on arab st :)